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髋关节患者使用赛乐弹性抗阻训练--回归学校——推荐给髋部疾患者 ...

已有 778 次阅读2012-6-25 17:39 |个人分类:赛乐渐进式训练系统| 髋关节炎, 弹性抗阻训练

“Back to School” for Hip Patients using Thera-Band elastic resistance


June 18, 2012  

来源于Thera-band blog 2012618

Patients with hip osteoarthritis often have pain and decreased function. In addition, hip patients often exhibit muscle weakness, which often remains even after hip replacement surgery. In Germany, a group exercise program called “Hip School” has been using Thera-Band elastic bands and Stability Trainers for several years in patients with hip osteoarthritis and hip replacement.


Because Hip School is a facility-based weekly group program, researchers at the University of Tübingen wanted to examine the feasibility and efficacy of a supplemental home-based progressive strengthening program using Thera-Band® elastic bands.



36 patients attending Hip School were randomly assigned to either an experimental group (home exercise plus Hip School group exercise) or control group (Hip School group exercise only). The experimental home exercise group completed 3 additional sessions a week for 8 weeks, performing 4-direction Thera-Band kicks using the Borg Scale for progressing intensity.

参加臀部学校的36例患者被随机分配到实验组(家里锻炼,加上臀学校组练习)或控制组(只有臀学校组练习)。实验家庭运动组完成了为期八周、每周三次的额外的,执行4方向使用Borg Scale 赛乐弹性抗阻的加强训练。

After the intervention period, the home exercise group had significantly greater increases in hip abduction, adduction and flexion strength (7 to 13%). There were no significant changes in their SF-36 score during the intervention period. Adherence to the home program was 99% according to exercise logs.



The researchers concluded that adding Thera-Band home exercises to a weekly Hip School group exercise program is effective, safe, and feasible. More research is needed on the optimal frequency and duration of these supplementary exercises.



DISCLOSURE: Thera-Band Academy supported this project with products



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