体能论坛China Fitness Forum

分享 department of administration
xinshiji003 2011-10-10 10:35
itions of gradually open to us. The survey and design of highway projects for the development of the enterprise to bring good opportunity: to survey and design of highway construction, market standardization, speed up the pace of with international practices, learn foreign survey and design of hig ...
102 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 the negative moment region
xinshiji003 2011-10-10 10:29
arch leg section cut in its protective layer, the steel welding new advocate muscle, and adding new stirrup. The number obtained by computer, steel reinforced length in the cracks around 3 m position can meet the requirements of the anchorage within. Crack fill with epoxy resin death closure. Then ...
102 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 steel plate adopts the slightly
xinshiji003 2011-10-10 10:27
m in the cantilever beam slightly curved laid aside on board. Advantages: the cantilever beam (board) and slightly curved board structure, components, and the reconstruction and make full use of concrete bridge deck as a cantilever beam (board) of anchorage, than the cost of the scheme, constructi ...
114 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 新人报道
博浩通王宝江 2011-10-9 15:39
262 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 在为客户写评估报告
老Thomas 2011-10-8 03:01
经常有人问我,做好私教工作的门道到底在哪里? 如果你想着钱,那你一定做不好事。一份基本体侧的评估报告,我敲了9页,不是我做人太罗嗦,而是一切都是需要;这是一份为完全不懂训练不懂健身的客户写的,尽可能希望他一看到就能明白各种体能指标和他的身体健康之间的关系,他现在的情况究竟如何,他应该做些什么,他需 ...
1018 次阅读|3 个评论 热度 3
分享 教练教练
老Thomas 2011-9-30 23:54
就是教别人练自己,教自己练自己! 已同步至 老Thomas的微博
611 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 教别人的时候不忘了自己也要练
老Thomas 2011-9-30 23:53
昨天训练了2小时,简单流程如下: 椭圆机预热55%-65%MHR =15分钟 预伸展+休息=5分钟 泡沫轴伸展肌筋膜=5分钟 俯卧撑5组(跟着iphone4上100push up软件做的)共117个 原地深蹲5组(跟着iphone4上软件做的)共130来个 power plate训练30分钟 腿部肌耐力15分钟 上身肌耐力15分钟 伸展7-8分钟 O ...
826 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 3
分享 连续工作了一个多月 快不行了
曹晓东 2011-9-6 15:25
连续工作了一个多月 快不行了;连续10场比赛,7-8个客场,受不了了。 已同步至 曹晓东的微博
2 次阅读|6 个评论
分享 我终于来到了!
老Thomas 2011-8-30 23:27
哇哈哈哈哈 等了好多年,终于我们亲爱的祖国要开始我们的体能事业 加油! 我也要加油!
601 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Ugg Bailey Button Triplet Ericson
lqpbc 2011-8-30 11:29
UGG Outlet Don J. Metz, co-owner of Morse, Harwell, iqbsddmbblog Jiles Insurance, a broker, in Poplar Bluff, Mo., an breadth aged by tornadoes and floods this spring, said a lot of insurers he works with accept aloft premiums as behavior accept appear up for renewal. He's noticed exceptional ...
201 次阅读|0 个评论

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